about the FIELD
OMS started ministry in Spain in 1973.
How is OMS involved with ministry in Spain?
- Church planting and development: Currently OMS Spain is involved in various church planting strategies, in association with churches that share the same goals. One such initiative is the Peace and Hope network of house churches, which has as many as 19 groups meeting in Madrid, Barcelona and Albacete in the South, reaching mostly immigrants, but also Spanish nationals.
- Theological training: Since almost the beginning, back in 1973, OMS has been involved in the theological training of nationals in different ways. At present, OMS Spain participates in the Koinonia Theological Centre (CTK), which trains Christian leaders nationwide.
- Marriage Encounter: There is also a ministry for the family through the Marriage Encounter programme, aimed at bringing healing and spiritual growth in Christian and non-Christian marriages.
- Counselling and member care: For many years OMS Spain has been serving the Spanish church offering counselling to Christians and non-Christians alike and member care to those involved in ministry.
- Rock of Horeb camp: In 1975 OMS Spain acquired a campsite located 60 miles east of Madrid. Ever since then it has been serving the Spanish churches by facilitating youth and children’s camps, church retreats and training for Christian leaders. The camp is currently undergoing improvement in both its physical facilities and its leadership. Our vision is to gradually develop our own camps as a way of supporting existing OMS ministries and expanding our outreach opportunities.
What are the current needs/challenges in Spain?
The failure of the official religion to meet the spiritual needs of the people has produced apathy and mistrust of religious institutions; which has driven many to atheism and materialism. The growth of the Spanish evangelical church is still slow-paced. Despite an increase in the number of Christian evangelicals due to immigration, Spain remains a hard ground for sowing the Gospel. There is an urgent need to train disciple-making leaders.
OMS Spain needs people with a passion to share the Gospel and to plant disciple-making churches. We are also seeking to recruit people to join the Rock of Horeb camp’s staff to help in different areas of the running of the camp.
How can God be seen moving in Spain?
The financial crisis of recent years has made Spanish society more receptive to spiritual things. A number of churches from various denominations and backgrounds are coming together and sharing their resources and experience in an effort to reach out. This is quite remarkable since unity in the body of Christ has always been a challenge in Spain!
Some churches are showing encouraging signs of vitality. Such is the case of the Camarma church. Located some 30 miles east of Madrid, this church started in 2007 when three home groups came together. From just a handful of people, the Camarma church has grown to almost 200 people joining for worship on Sundays. The church is reaching out to families and individuals living in many of the towns around East Madrid. A very diverse community with people representing many nationalities, the Camamarma church has a vibrant group of children and youth.
Pena de Horeb Camp
Peña de Horeb was founded in 1975 by One Mission Society. Today, it operates through the Association Evangelica Internacional, an OMS non-profit religious organisation. The purpose of the camp is to serve the local church in Spain by providing a comfortable venue for camps, retreats, and conferences. It is well known by Christian communities, churches all over Spain, and by thousands of others that have visited or served during the last 50 years.
The camp is located on the banks of the Tajo River near Auñon, Guadalajara in the Castilla de la Mancha region of Central Spain. Located an hour and a half east of Madrid, the camp is easily accessible to locals and visitors. The property consists of approximately 17 acres and includes eight buildings with a current capacity for 100 campers, plus staff.
Camp and retreat facilities still play an instrumental role in Spanish culture. Peña provides church groups the space and ability to connect with God in the natural beauty found in the Castilla de la Mancha region. We provide not only a gorgeous setting but also share the love of Christ with each guest by welcoming others through excellent service.
One Mission Society has committed to investing in the rejuvenation of Peña de Horeb. With new leadership and a new focus, we believe that the camp can not only be self-sustaining but thrive in a changing mission world. We are seeking partners that understand the long-term goals to achieve a sustainable camp that can minister to thousands of people every single year. The renovations have begun and God willing, the legacy of Peña de Horeb will continue and the camp will continue to operate successfully for the next 50 years.