South Pacific
about the FIELD
OMS missionaries in the South Pacific region serve in a beautiful but challenging country which has interesting topography, many differing cultures, varying degrees of religious freedom and numerous Unreached People Groups.
Our missionary focus is predominantly on enabling others to reach and disciple the people of the SP. Some are focused on educating missionary children, ensuring that these students receive a quality education and preparation to influence the world; whilst simultaneously releasing their parents to focus on outreach, and the discipling and equipping of nationals. Others are primarily involved in helping, discipling and training nationals through; theological education, equipping church planters, working alongside pastors and their spouses, and various helping and bridge-building ministries.
More specifically OMS SP is currently involved with the following ministries:
Two Bible colleges which train nationals for Christian ministry.
An International School established for the children of Christian workers.
Providing strategy, training and encouragement to church planters.
Equipping and encouraging pastors and their spouses.
Anti human-trafficking seminars.
Outreach and discipleship through various means including; Art workshops, English classes, Health Seminars, etc…
Providing aid and help during times of difficulty and disasters.
Our current missionary team is small and in need of more personnel. We would love to see more people involved to meet the needs we currently have but also to enable us to move forward and utilise the opportunities and possibilities that we observe around us.
There are a number of specific personnel needs, but also many possibilities that we would love to see developed:
Various teaching opportunities at the International school
Individuals to work alongside Pastors and church planters and their spouses
Lecturers for the Bible colleges
In future, we would like to see more young people involved in evangelism, discipleship and encouragement of church and non-church youth. Also for a person skilled in financial matters to assist in financial oversight for our OMS office and advice for our ministry partners.
Alongside these specific needs, we would love to talk with anyone who is sensing a God-given call/desire to the unreached of the SP region. We could discuss opportunities and possibilities we see and how God could use a person’s unique gifts and talents to further His Kingdom.
OMS SP is greatly encouraged that the leadership of our national partner church denomination is vibrant, healthy and passionate about reaching others with the love of Jesus. We are also delighted that people are being reached and discipled through the church planting initiatives. One lady was overjoyed at how God had worked in her life; bringing physical healing to her body and salvation to both herself and her husband. Whenever neighbours, family, or friends visited she would tell them of what Jesus had done for her family and between them they have led over 30 people into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. God is at work in the SP region.