Please use the comment section in the giving window to provide email or postal information to receive a Somos Nós gift card for your donation.
Somos Nós endeavours to encourage churches and communities to embrace people living with disability.
Somos Nós means ‘It’s Us’ to emphasise our heart to stand in solidarity with people living with disability. Your generosity can make a real difference in the life of someone living with disabilty, their family, a church or the wider community. Thank you for partnering with us.
Inspire a lifetime of transformational service with one month's scholarship and internship for a Mozambican to study Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy or Public Health at University. Participants like Regina will be mentored & discipled by our Helping Hands team and serve at least one day per week in the Helping Hands ministry.
Somos Nós - Helping Hands
Please place the details of which project you wish to give to in the "Write us a comment" section.
Otherwise, your gift will go to the Helping Hands ministry where it is most needed.
If preferred a cheque can be sent to the UK office. Please provide details of the project you desire to support. Please scroll down for Office contact information.