Fundacion Unydos
Compelled by the Good News of Jesus, the local church has mobilised its members to serve vulnerable children through Fundación Unydos (United Foundation). This ministry works in the deprived Juan Rey district of Bogotá, the capital city of Colombia. The ministry is testament to God’s faithfulness and the generosity of God’s people over 15 years; impacting the lives of hundreds of vulnerable children (50 in 2024) diverting them from abject poverty, crime, drugs and prostitution. Fundación Unydos is a safe place for these children before or after school (some children go to school in the morning while others go in the afternoon) and provides nutritious food, spiritual input as well as emotional, psychological and educational support. Our prayer is that each child will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and become faithful ambassadors of the King!
Your opportunity to unite with them …
The building needs some renovation so that it can be used to its full potential. This includes damp-proofing, leak repair and also an upgrade of the electrics and security system. Two partners are teaming up with OMS and the ministry in Colombia to raise £10,000! Until we reach our target, all donations received will be matched by a 50% matching fund. A gift of £100 would become £150 and if you are eligible for Gift Aid, your donation would become £187.50. Every gift will help us reach our target. No gift too small! Three ways to give: (1) Cheque (made to OMS and sent to the office in Belfast), (2) Bank Transfer (to One Mission Society, Barclay’s Bank, Account: 30677035, Sort Code: 20-26-20) using the ref FUNDUN or (3) Using the giving link below (powered by Stripe, who take a small handling fee from the donation).
Fundacion Unydos
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Standing Order Form
Gift Aid Form