Moscow Seminary
Training leaders is a vital part of the ministry of One Mission Society. One of the ways OMS has trained its national leaders around the world is by developing indigenous seminaries with material taught in the native language.
Here is a note from Sasha, the director of the seminary:
Why We Should Train Ministers for Russia in Russia
Due to 70 years of Communist Captivity (1917—1987), “the Church in Russia has suffered the most severe and sustained persecution of any nation in recent history. … It is reckoned 200,000 Christian leaders were martyred and a further 500,000 imprisoned. There were 100,000 church-owned buildings in 1920 … by 1940 only 1,000 were in use by Christians, the rest being seized or destroyed … Over 90% of Russians have no meaningful link with a church … ” (Operation World encyclopaedia, the 21st-century edition, 541-542).
To reach this 90%, we need to continue training ministers for Russia and the former Soviet Union through the Moscow Seminary (http://www.moscowseminary.ru & https://www.facebook.com/moscowseminary)
Established in 1993 by One Mission Society (OMS), the Moscow Seminary is an evangelical conservative school with an excellent history of training ministers. The seminary is registered by the Ministry of Justice, licensed by the Ministry of Education, and accredited by the Eurasian Accrediting Association of Evangelical Schools. The seminary trains more than 700 students from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Russia (by itself – an eleven time zones country).
The Moscow Seminary produces a fruit worthy of the Lord. Of the 525+ graduates: 15% are full-time pastors, 43% are bi-vocational pastors, 24% are on staff at parachurch organisations, and 6% are missionaries.
Our prayer is to continue in this trend, training more and more servants for Christ. The cost of training a student-minister at the Moscow Seminary is [approximately £1060] per year (for three years). This sum, or any share of it, helps.
To proclaim the Gospel and advance the kingdom in Russia and the former Soviet Union please, donate to the Moscow Seminary.
Is God calling you to help fund the costs of a student to attend this seminary? Would you make a monthly donation to allow more students to get this education?
Moscow Seminary
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