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Mozambique Prayer Updates

Each month the OMS team in Mozambique host a Zoom call so people from many nations can join together to pray for Mozambique. This is open to anyone, and it would be an encouragement to the team to have you join them! The following is a summary of some of the prayer topics from the last meeting.

1. Bible Seminary

The new academic year starts this week. Pray for Jeff, Obed and Pastor Malombe on the leadership team of the Seminary. Pray for the registration process with the Government and as they pursue accreditation. There are a small number of 1st-year students starting this year probably due to Covid. Pray for them.

2. Helping Hands

Pray for the preparation of a training course for those serving in Helping Hands. Pray for Vitor and Constantino in the workshop as they prepare wheelchairs to be sent out to those who need them. Pray for all the families that used to come to the support groups and also Bible studies (these have been stopped since March due to Covid). Pray that God would meet them in a special way in their homes as they read the Bible or listen to their audio Bible.

3. CAM

We praise God for a new Director - Duane Pass. He and his family arrived in December. Pray for their visa process and for them all to settle into life at school. Belinda is a teacher and they have three children (Ethan, Chloe and Jessica). Pray for wisdom for Duane in this season of Covid and for them as they learn Portuguese.

4. Girassol

We praise God for Sharon, Tracey and the volunteers. Pray for them in this season when the shop is closed. Pray for peace, protection and guidance.

5. Nkateko - pray for Ann as she seeks opportunities to share about this ministry (even over Zoom). Pray for courage and creativity as she starts an Instagram page and starts to sell online. Pray for the ladies of Nkatkeo who have not been meeting now for over a year.

6. IEPV (Igreja Evangélica Palavra Viva)

Pray for the Living Word church. Pray for the churches who are struggling to open as they can't meet the requirements of the government. Pray for the children who are not allowed to go to church- that they would be encouraged. Pray for safety as the churches meet. They are allowed a maximum of 50 people.

7. Pray for the Covid situation. Things are not good. The number of positive cases are between 800 and 1000 per day. The hospitals are overflowing. They have set up tents at Central hospital to try to accommodate more people. This is in the context of a health system that is already struggling.

8. Another Cyclone has hit the region of Beira. Cyclone Eloise battered central Mozambique and caused flooding and damage in Beira, which was still recovering from the devastating impact of Cyclone Idai of 2019. Pray for the people there.

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