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Looking Up


Looking Up

Praying for OMS as We Look Forward

May we be looking up in worship and trust as we look forward to an OMS future God sees fully, that we cannot yet fully perceive. Our hope is in Him! You are invited to join in praying for:

· God’s provision of new missionaries, signatories, and partner churches / individuals willing to invest in OMS ministries.

· The OMS USA Development team as they labour to see the six priority, Global Ministries’ projects fully funded.

· Kurt and Julie Bishop as they assume leadership of OMS USA, for God’s wisdom, blessing, guidance, and anointing upon them.

· A warm embrace and strong implementation of OMS 2.0 throughout the Global Ministries world, especially as focused efforts to do this move forward in the coming months.

· The establishment of regional hubs (already underway in Europe, Latin America, and Asia) and for the Global Regional Directors overseeing this.

· Michael and Shawnee Tallman as they serve as OMSG consultants and helpers in growing our global capacity to care well for OMSG missionaries.

· The birthing and growth of missionary movements, including how best to work with partners in developing structures and training for these in the Global South.

· Resolution to the many challenges involved in launching the Global Methodist Church, and the partnership between this new denomination and OMS.

· The ministry of The United States Plastic Corporation, especially for CEO Kevin Kempton and Board Chair Wes Lytle.

· Each OMS signatory country, each board, and each executive director (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States).

· The 169 Billion.Global partners, for collaboration between partners to grow and for a strong emphasis on disciple-making in the work of each one.

· World Intercessors, and Jacqui Shatto as she leads, mentors individuals in growing as intercessors, and encourages people to pray for OMS, its people, partners, and ministries.

Bob Fetherlin September 2021

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