We do not need to be reminded that even the Christian life is full of “ups and downs, twists and turns”, resulting in periods of uncertainty and fear. Things don’t work out just quite as we had expected and frustration can often challenge our faith in God. We know God is sovereign. We know His ways are perfect. We also know that He loves us unconditionally; yet we struggle when there are unanswered questions and missing pieces! A number of our OMS family members have recently found themselves facing such times of trial, both at home and abroad.
As we approach the Easter story and think again on the wonder of the cross and the deep, deep love of God in sending His only Son to die for you and me… now that is something I will never fully understand, but we know it to be true! You and I also know that Jesus rose victorious over death and because of our faith in Him alone, we have been forgiven. We now know that we are called God’s children and that one day we will live with Him in heaven forever and ever. When I take a moment to be still and realise just how much He loves me, I begin to know afresh that peace that is beyond human words and one which allows me to face my fears, as well as the uncertain days ahead. This is the God and Saviour this world needs to hear about. There is only one Saviour… there is only one hope… his name is Jesus! The challenge is to know Him more and in knowing Him more, we will want to make Him known. But first, let's take some time to be still… it will be worth it!
By Trevor Morrow.