Jonathan & Lupita
Church Planting
Jonathan Morton, from the United Kingdom, joined One Mission Society in December 1994. After studying Spanish for one year in Costa Rica, he was assigned to Mexico. It was during his first two years of ministry in Mexico that he met Lupita. In July 1997, they were married. They were soon joined by their two sons Noah and Daniel.
In Mexico, the Mortons’ main ministry focus was planting new churches. Through different evangelism methods, people were won to Christ, new churches were established, and local Mexican leaders were trained to effectively reach their own nation for Christ. Jonathan and Lupita were not only involved in planting churches but from 1999 to 2006, they also were responsible for the overall leadership of church planting in Mexico through Every Community for Christ (ECC) ministries. Jonathan served as the field director for Mexico from 2006 to 2008.
From 2008 to 2016, Jonathan and Lupita served at the OMS World Headquarters in Greenwood, Indiana. Jonathan served as the director of International Ministries, responsible for OMS vision, ministries, and staff around the world. Lupita served through pastoral and ministerial visits throughout these regions.
In 2016, God called Jonathan and Lupita to begin a new global network of churches within the Hispanic people group called Red Nueva Vida or New Life Network. People are won to Jesus through contextually appropriate and effective outreach. New believers are then discipled to impact the lives of others and reproduce disciples and churches. The New Life Network of churches now has a presence in six countries. Lupita serves in making disciples and mentoring leaders, while Jonathan provides global leadership to New Life.